Where Every Image Tells a Thousand Stories

Picture with Ivan Malenica (February 21, 2024)
Seminar "New Salary Law and Coefficient Regulation" with Minister of Justice and Administration, PhD Ivan Malenica

Picture with Ana Jusić (January 13, 2024)
Gift collection of poetry "Starry Embrace" by Ana Jusić

Picture with Claudia Scherer - Effosse (October 15, 2023)
Business seminar with the French diplomat and Director of the AEFE agency for French education abroad in Ankara.

Picture with Lada Szabo Kajfež, Ivana Plechinger and Vjekoslava Rita Bach (November 30, 2023)
Appearing on the show – Vjekin teatar života

Picture with Said Boudhina, Director of the Tunisian Social and Cultural Center in Vienna
Paying tribute to my intervention on the occasion of Tunisian Women's Day and about my journey to success as an exemplary immigrant

Wafa Kharroubi in “Gloria” magazine (January 15, 2023)

Picture with former President of the Republic of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović

Picture with DC Majid, Secretary-General of the Arab League Union for Creativity and Innovation (October 30, 2022)

Picture with Tunisian diplomat DC Basma Charfi and DC Said Boudhina, Director of the Tunisian Social and Cultural Center in Vienna
Dialogue about women and relations between Tunisia and Croatia

Picture with Ivana Vilović
Featured on the show “Good morning, Croatia”

Picture with former Minister Mario Banožić on the French National Day (July 14, 2023)

A picture with the former Ambassador of Algeria Mokhtar Amine Khelif in Croatia

Picture with Ambassador of Germany Christian Hellbach at the French residence (June 26, 2023)

Picture with Ambassador of France Gaël Veyssiere at the French residence (June 26, 2023)

Picture with Minister of Internal Affairs Davor Božinović (July 14, 2022)

Picture with Krešo Beljak
Member of Parliament

Picture with The Ambassador of Indonesia
The Ambassador of Indonesia in Zagreb, Excellency Sjachroedin Zainal Pagaralam and his wife Trully Trisno Prawoto

Picture with former Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to Austria, Mr. Mohamed Mezghani, and Consul Youssef Radhouani (April 14, 2023)
Encouraging and supporting my role as an ambassador of Tunisian women in Croatia.

Ping pong tournament with the Embassy of Indonesia in Zagreb.

Photo with the Egyptian journalist Omar Hilal.

A picture with the Tunisian journalist Leila Shandoul.